Saturday 28 March 2015

'OO' Oshawa NDB

You may recall my blog describing the recent reception of the Oshawa Municipal Airport's NDB, "OO" on 391KHz. The Nav Canada beacon maintenance man, Alex, (VE3GOP) also a Yahoo Group NDBlist member was able to pay a visit to the beacon on Friday and confirm the reported output power is indeed just 7.5 watts! He even snapped a picture of the power meter ... talk about service!

courtesy: A. Wiecek, VE3GOP

Little "OO" has also been reported in Europe by none other than Roelof, PAØRDT, while using one of his own small active whips. I think this illustrates the remarkable propagation that can, and often does, take place below the broadcast band, even with a less than optimum antenna system ... good news for those planning a 630m backyard antenna installation!

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