A few blogs back, I briefly touched upon my favorite contest of the year ... the
160m Stew Perry Contest, or more affectionately noted as the '
Stew' or 'SP'.
contest is named in honor of W1BB, one of the earliest and most dedicated
proponents of 160m in its earlier days, as well as being the first amateur to
earn 160m DXCC #1, in 1976.
Stew published a regular '160m News' bulletin,
lovingly cranked out on his old
Gestetner (remember those messy things?), which
was mailed free of charge upon request.
These bulletins were chalk-full
of DX reports, station information, and antenna-building hints. It was hard not
to get excited about the Topband after reading
one of Stew's bulletins!
This was largely back in the day when very few commercial
transmitters had a 160m position on the bandswitch. If it did, it was most likely a hernia-making DX-100 or a similar E.F. Johnson biggy ... seems most 160m ops were he-men back in the early days.
Heathkit DX-100 |
To make things even messier, the band was covered with
Loran QRM, much more devastating then anything the Russian
Woodpeckers' could throw at us ... working anyone on 160, let alone DXCC, was a challenge and probably the main reason why so many found the band
The 'Stew' is just a short 24 hour affair but often packs
the CW band from end to end with a ton of activity, including lots of DX. It
seems that most 160m diehards will jump at any opportunity to get on their
favorite band, especially when conditions are as good as they have been of
The 'SP' is somewhat unique in that its system of scoring is
probably the fairest of any contest around. The number of points earned for any
QSO is determined by the distance between the two stations, with your computer
contesting software dutifully making the needed calculations automatically from
the exchange of
Grid Square information, rather than the ubiquitous '599'.
Such a system gives stations in the western half of North America a chance to compete, on
equal grounds, with the much higher activity levels found back east. With most
contests awarding fixed points per QSO, it is much easier for eastern stations
to rack-up big scores by working the multitude of other easterners ... this is
just not possible out west where activity levels, and population densities, are
so much smaller.
Contest PR-man ... Lew, W7EW, on behalf of the Boring (Oregon) Amateur Radio Club sponsorship, has sent a
heads-up via the
Topband reflector, which is reproduced below in case you wish
to learn more.
Greetings Radio Ruffians with a TopBand Bent,
The anticipation is
palpable as time draws near for the
start of the 21st Running of The Stew
Perry TopBand DX
Challenge sponsored by the multitude of Amateurs who
up The Boring Amateur Radio Club. The contest is Dec
17/18. That is this
weekend coming up, for those of you
that need reminders like to remember an
anniversary, put
gas in the vehicle or to breathe.
The rules for this
contest are different. Please navigate to
http://www.kkn.net/stew/ and see how
they are different.
Another unique aspect of The Stew is that The
Amateur Radio Club does not specify categories to win
plaques. You, the combatants do that. Yes,
anyone who thinks up a stellar
category and remits $60 or
$63 to us will join the radio stalwarts listed
below who are
stoking the fires of competition.
KL7RA Top # of
QSOs by a S/O
N0TT Top Score, S/O, <21Y/O, > 200
K7CA Longest DX, S/O, Low Power from Zone 3
K7CA Top
Score S/O CQ Zone 19,24,25,27,28 or China
KH6LC VK/ZL Challenge- Top
AA6VB Top Score Big City >50K, Little Pistol
AA6VB Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60'
N6TQ/A25TQ California Dreaming- Top # of QSOs with Cal
VK0EK Stations by a non-California station
Rochester DX Assoc Top
Score,S/O, L-P, Outside N. America
UX1UA Top # NA + SA QSOs by Zone 16
K7FL Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
QRP Score,West of Mississippi,wire antennas
Dr. Beldar-L1AR Top Score,S/O,
Temporary Antenna erected > Dec.3
(All parts of temporary
antenna including radials must be
installed after Dec. 3, 2016. This antenna
must be the only antenna
for TopBand at the station and may be left erected
because as we
all know "temporary" means "until I die")
Golden Log Award
K2PO Top Score, S/O, Low Power, Zone
N6TR Top Score,S/O, Hi Power from CN Grid Field
W2GD Team Top
# QSOs, NA/SA by EU Station
K6ND K6SE Memorial- Top Score, S/O,
WA6CDR N5IA Memorial- Top # of Grids Worked
WA8WZG Top Score,
S/O, by a 6 character call (Example- KA2BFD
or WD6XYZ)
W7RH Top
Score, Low Power Asia
K1EP Top Score (>100QSOs) by YL or
VE9AA Yr Trees Ants? If you have your TX wires in the trees or
attached to 1 tree and your adjudicated score is closest one to
tree tree tree (3,333), then you win this plaque
VK6VZ VK6HD Memorial-
Top Score by N. hemisphere station working S.
Winner gets a new, fresh Flying Doctors of VK
baseball hat
This list grows but will become even longer after you
dream up a
contesting category. Just email me with the particulars so we may
flesh it
out as some prior plaque proposals were too obtuse, couldn't be
by any one of our species or just a tad obscene.
There will
be one or two more postings of the categories and sponsors
right up until and
through the start of The Stew so don't delay! Also those
who haven't sent
off their check or PayPals for their plaque sponsorship yet should not
delay either.
Also follow Stalwart's VK6VZ's example and go fire up
your system
tonight so you won't be modally morose when the only thing that
when you call CQ is that you open and close the neighbor's garage
with a distinctive cadence.
73 and I remain,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee on Participation
If you have a few hours of free time this
Saturday night, why not give the 'Stew' a look, especially if you've never
operated on the Topband. If you can load-up that old
longwire on 160, I'll guarantee you'll have fun as well as be surprised at what you can work ...
hopefully I'll see many of you this weekend in the best contest of the year!