Saturday, 1 October 2016

CLE 211 Results

This past weekend's CLE saw noticeably improved conditions compared with the previous event.

With the fall DX season fast-approaching, the combination of diminishing thunderstorm activity and improved propagation provided some interesting catches. Friday night was the best with Saturday having a brief period of favorable prop, while no new stations were heard on Sunday night, the poorest.

It was particularly nice to hear strong signals from the eastern provinces on Friday, highlighted with an excellent signal from 'JT' (390 kHz) in Stephenville, Newfoundland. This long haul east-west propagation can only be found with quite geomagnetic conditions as was the case on Friday.

After examining the geomagnetic 'K' data for Saturday (25th), it's interesting to note that the four catches for that night all coincided exactly with the brief green bar (K= 0-3) centered on the hours around 0900 UTC (circled).

The following NDBs were heard using my Perseus SDR and 'inverted-L' resonated to ~ 300kHz:

               24 06:30 385.0 WL Williams Lake, BC, CAN
               24 13:00 385.0 OCC Yakutat, ALS
               24 10:00 385.0 MR Pacific Grove, CA, USA
               24 13:00 385.0 EHM Cape Newenham, ALS
               24 08:30 386.0 SYF St. Francis, KS, USA
               24 06:30 386.0 HAU Helena, MT, USA
               24 06:00 386.0 4N Oxford House, MB, CAN
               24 06:30 388.0 MM Fort Mc Murray, AB, CAN
               24 09:30 388.0 JW Pigeon, AB, CAN
               24 06:30 388.0 GLY Clinton, MO, USA
               24 06:30 389.0 YWB Kelowna, BC, CAN
               24 08:00 389.0 TW Twin Falls, ID, USA
               25 08:30 389.0 EN Kenosha, WI, USA
               24 06:00 389.0 CSB Cambridge, NE,USA
               24 06:30 390.0 JT Stephenville, NL, CAN
               24 06:00 390.0 HBT Sand Point, ALS
               24 06:00 390.0 AES Northway, ALS
               24 06:30 391.0 TK Telkwa, BC, CAN
               24 13:00 391.0 EEF Sisters Island, ALS
               24 06:00 391.0 DDP Dorado, PTR
               24 06:30 391.0 4W Kelsey, MB, CAN
               24 08:30 392.0 ZFN Tulita, NT, CAN
               24 06:00 392.0 PNA Wenz, WY, USA
               24 06:30 392.0 ML Charlevoix, QC, CAN
               25 08:30 392.0 FMZ Fairmont, NE, USA
               25 08:30 392.0 BAJ Sterling, CO, USA
               24 06:00 392.0 AGZ Wagner, SD, USA
               25 09:30 393.0 TOG Togiak, ALS
               24 08:30 393.0 2M Opapimiskan Lake,ON, CAN
               24 13:00 394.0 RWO Kodiak, ALS
               24 08:30 394.0 DQ Dawson Creek, BC, CAN
               24 08:30 395.0 YL Lynn Lake, MB, CAN
               24 06:00 395.0 ULS Ulysses, KS, USA
               24 08:30 395.0 L7 Estevan, SK, CAN
               24 08:30 396.0 YPH Inukjuak, QC, CAN
               24 13:00 396.0 CMJ Ketchikan, ALS
               24 08:30 397.0 ZSS Saskatoon, SK, CAN
               24 08:00 397.0 SB San Bernardino, CA, USA
               24 08:00 397.0 CIR Cairo, IL, USA
               24 08:30 398.0 YOD Cold Lake, AB, CAN
               24 08:30 398.0 3D Cumberland House, SK, CAN
               24 08:30 399.0 ZHD Dryden, ON, CAN
               24 13:00 399.0 SRI St George, ALS

The results from all participants can be found at the NDB List website, or if you are a member of the ndblist Group, results have also been e-mailed and posted there.

The very active Yahoo ndblist Group is a great place to learn more about the 'art' of NDB DXing or to meet other listeners in your region. There is a lot of helpful information available there and new members are always very welcome. As well, you can follow and chat with other NDB chasers regarding antennas, techniques, unidentified signals and  nightly propagation.

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