Just a reminder about the 630m crossband activity night this evening. There have been two updates to the plan. VE7SL will start one hour later than originally planned and John, VE7BDQ, will be listening on both 160m and 80m QSX frequencies for callers.
The frequencies will be:
- VE7SL TX 473.00KHz QSX (listening) 1808KHz (160m) and 3535KHz (80m)
- VE7BDQ TX 474.00KHz QSX (listening) 1813KHz (160m) and 3532KHz (80m)
The last time this was done, transcontinental contacts were completed ... hopefully conditions will continue to co-operate and propagation will be good tonight.
good luck guys...propagation condx look favourable. I'll be scanning 630M band throughout the evening in between MW DX activity...73 Mike VE7SKA