Sunday, 8 February 2015

630m Crossband Activity Night

630m to HF Crossband
Since getting the new 630m band (472-479KHz) here in Canada, one of my favorite ways of promoting interest in the new band has been 'crossband' activity ... that is, transmitting on 630m while the other stations transmit on a predetermined HF (QSX) frequency, usually on 80 or 160m. There are many amateurs in the U.S. who are interested in getting the band as well as many Canadians that are interested in getting on the band and the crossband activity usually generates a lot of interest. Both myself and John, VE7BDQ, have enjoyed making several crossband contacts this past winter and will once again be soliciting crossbanders this coming Saturday evening.

Our plan is to operate from 0200Z through 0700Z, (1800-2300 PST Saturday). Beginning at the top of the hour, we will both be calling CQ on CW and listening for any callers on HF. CQ's will continue until there are no more callers and will begin again at the next top of hour time slot. This should allow for a wide variation in propagation and the possibility of eastern contacts as the evening progresses.

The frequencies will be:
  •  VE7SL TX 473.00KHz QSX (listening) 1808KHz (160m) and 3535KHz (80m)
  • VE7BDQ TX 474.00KHz QSX (listening) 1813KHz (160m)
It is hoped that as many stations as possible will give a listen for us and be able to call on one of the HF QSX frequencies. Both John and myself will be running at the maximum allowable eirp for the duration of the activity.

If you have not had a look for any 630m stations, hopefully you will take the opportunity this coming Saturday night ... you really do not need any special antennas for receiving on 630m. Many of the stations that I have worked on crossband have been using HF dipoles for low-noise reception.

I'll be promoting this event on several of the reflectors and groups that I regularly enjoy and I also invite you to pass the word on to others. Please watch the blog for further updates.

See you Saturday I hope!


  1. Hello Steve/VE7SL,

    Thanks for the crossband contact this evening. It was a pleasure to work you. Despite lots of crud and other distractions near 473 khz, I managed to hear you with a 559 RST. At times there was deep fading but I never lost you throughout the contact. I hope the US eventually gets a sliver of spectrum down there. It would be lots of fun to experiment. You might want to consider running WSPR on VLF. You might be very surprised at who might receive your signal.

    Good luck with it, and may you work lots of DX.

    Best regards,

    Gary, K7EK
    Spanaway, WA, Grid CN87TB

  2. Gary - many thanks for making the effort to work both of us last night! I'll have a summary here tomorrow but it was a rewarding evening thanks to many others like yourself.

    73 / Steve
